Place of Dreams

Behind the realistic looking surface of photographs all too often there lurks a world in which past, present and future all merge into one another. The emotionally ambiguous territory of photography was the point of departure for “Droomoord,” which presents work by six photographers – Koos Breukel, Bethany de Forest, Cornelie Tollens (all Ned) Eldon Garnet (Can), Michael Staggemeier (Den) and Gladys (Fra). Their work differs in terms of genre and style, but is linked by the theme of dream and reality, life and death, fear and desire. The exhibition is housed in both the old and new facilities of the Kunstpaviljoen, in Nieuw Roden (Drente). It was commissioned by Noorderlicht, and assembled by a guest curator at the Kunstpaviljoen, Eddie Marsman, better known for his regular position as the photography critic for the NRC Handelsblad.