Noorderlicht Photofestival 2001: Sense of Space

Human experience on space
The eighth edition of the Noorderlicht Photofestival opened in the Der Aa-Kerk in Groningen, the Netherlands. The opening was performed by Jan Pronk, Dutch minister for Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, with an introduction by Wicher Pattje, alderman for the municipality of Groningen.
- Main exhibition ‘Sense of Space’ with work by 34 photographers from The Netherlands, Germany, France, England, America, Russia and other countries
- An extensive ancillary exhibition program, with group exhibitions curated by Noorderlicht.
- Exhibitions in 34 galleries and museums
- Open podium for local and amateur photographers
- Several publications, including a catalogue for ‘Sense of Space’ and a cd-rom
More than 35 museums and galleries and thirty special locations are participating in the only annual international photographic event in The Netherlands. In addition to a large selection of top international photography in the city of Groningen, Noorderlicht 2001 also offers an extensive exhibition programme outside the city.
As a participant in the Saison Française de la Photographie, this year Noorderlicht devotes extra attention to modern French photography. The Saison, initiated by the French embassy in The Netherlands, in cooperation with the AFAA in Paris, is a cultural collaboration including various large Dutch photographic exhibitors, who will each be presenting French artists this autumn.