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Open Call 2025

Noorderlicht Biennale – Machine Entanglements

17 Oct 2024

Noorderlicht invites image-makers, photographers, and artists working with lens-based media to participate in the Noorderlicht Biennale 2025: Machine Entanglements.

The Noorderlicht Biennale explores the relationship between technology, ecology, and heritage. We are seeking work that critically reflects on these themes and examines the impact of technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) on our society and environment. The selected works will be presented during the biennale in the summer of 2025 at various locations in the three Northern provinces of the Netherlands: Friesland, Groningen, and Drenthe.

Theme 1: Connected Landscapes
This theme examines the intertwining of technology with natural and urban landscapes. How does technology change our interaction with the environment and biodiversity? What are the consequences of technology and industrial innovations on our way of life and our relationship with nature? How can we use AI to create an ethically responsible food chain, or to better understand our dynamic ecosystem, such as migrations of animals and plants? And what place does the technological industry occupy within landscape environments? This part of the exhibition will be on display with Noorderlicht partners in the province of Friesland.

Theme 2: Heritage Futures
This second theme focuses on the influence of colonial heritage in a contemporary context. We invite image-makers to explore how digital technologies can help us understand and reconsider the traces of our past, such as colonialism, tangible, and intangible heritage. Additionally, we welcome projects that critically reflect on the ways in which digital technology actually increases social inequality and reinforces colonial structures. Can the use of AI contribute to a fairer future? With this theme, we invite reflection on the lasting influence of our past in different societies and how we can work towards a more just world with the help of technology. This part will be exhibited at various locations in the provinces of Groningen and Drenthe.

Submission and selection
Noorderlicht welcomes submissions from artists worldwide, at all stages of their careers. ‘work in progress’ is also welcome, as long as it is clear that it can be completed on time. It is important that the work aligns with the mentioned themes. Selection is based on artistic quality and originality, the substantive relevance to the theme, and the extent to which the work initiates a dialogue about the influence of technology on our lives. The selection is done by curators Wim Melis, Roosje Klap, and Rosa Wevers. If your work is exhibited, you will receive a fee in accordance with the fair pay guidelines on for group exhibitions. Submission for this Open Call is free of charge.

Participation and deadline
Makers and collectives can submit their work before December 1, 2024. We ask for a clear accompanying text of a maximum of 200 words, relevant visual material, and a recent CV from the past five years. Longer texts may be added as an appendix. For work in progress, we ask for representative snapshots.

Submit a landscape-oriented PDF of a maximum of 10 MB and 10 pages, where the images also have sufficient resolution to zoom in. Photo series may also be submitted as a set of JPG files (approx. 1.500px long side), and video projects as separate films (max 20 MB).
Submissions can be sent to: The use of WeTransfer or similar file transfer services is permitted.

For answers to frequently asked questions about exhibiting at Noorderlicht, you can refer to the FAQs or the general exhibition conditions.