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Podcast | Renewed Energy: Groningen Portrayed

17 Jul 2024

Discover the impact of photography on social issues in our latest Noorderlicht podcast! Director Roosje Klap talks to Kees van der Meiden and Sharon Oldenkotte about the Hernieuwde Energie project, a unique collaboration between BPD Cultuurfonds and Noorderlicht. The focus is on the earthquake problem in Groningen. Which impactful projects have we already realised and what is still in the pipeline?

Groningen deserves full attention. In late February 2023, the parliamentary committee on natural gas extraction Groningen released its final report. On 1 October 2024, the gas tap must be closed for good. Much needs to be restored, both physically and in trust and administrative relations. But it is also the time to look forward again. With Renewed Energy, Noorderlicht and BPD Cultuurfonds, in cooperation with various partners, are setting up a programme full of exhibitions, publications and public activities. The central question is: How can Groningen change and still remain itself? Curious about all the activities? Then click here, more about the collaboration can be found in this interview.