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Performances Sherida Kuffour & EMIRHAKIN in Noorderlicht Studio

2 Oct - 3 Oct 2021

Curators Rawad Baaklini and Tiiu Meiner made ‘Splintered Thoughts and Fragile Plots’ in Noorderlicht Studio, as part of the Noorderlicht Festival. In addition to the physical show, there will be a couple of performances held in Noorderlicht Studio the upcoming weeks. Sergi Casero kicked off on 18 September with his beautiful performance 'The Pact of Forgetting' In the weeks of 2 and 3 October, we will host performances by Sherida Kuffour and EMIRHAKIN.

Saturday 2 & Sunday 3 October
Noorderlicht Studio

Saturday 2 October, Noorderlicht Studio, 5 pm
Sherida Kuffour – Chasing Lizards and Other Memories (reading, 30 min)
Sherida Kuffour conducts a performative reading of her book ‘Chasing Lizards and Other Memories’, a collection of her childhood memories, interpreted in short stories, poetry and photography. Having written the book, Kuffour was confronted with the new existence of her memories; no longer fleeting or transitory in her mind, but rather as something concrete and static on paper. Embedded within a projection of the photographs, she recites these memories to her audience.
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Sunday 3 October, Noorderlicht Studio, ongoing from 12 noon – 6 pm
EMIRHAKIN – Who’s Gonna Die if I Kill My Self? (performance)
The performance of EMIRHAKIN acts out the existence of a queer body during and after serving in the Turkish army. Using his own experience of compulsory military service as his point of reflection, this looping performance highlights the notions of social camouflage and the oppressive structures that the artist had to endure.
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