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We Don't Talk

For the multimedia project ‘We Don’t Talk’, Marjolein Busstra followed the lives of minors entangled in complex networks of sexual violence and/or exploitation. The project consists of a photo series, two video works and an accompanying documentary (the latter of which is not shown here).

For the photo series, Busstra accompanied several young people in returning to places where they felt unsafe to create new memories in the process of dealing with trauma.

The video works ‘Crush’ and ‘Mess’ (shown here in succession) centre on trauma and how past experiences continue to haunt these young people. To create these works, Busstra selected statements made by five girls and one boy – all of whom she had been following for two years – during sessions with their personal therapists. To ensure their safety, the young people’s statements were faithfully re-enacted and voiced by actors.

Online documentary:


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