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REFRAMING HISTORY (Nicaragua, 2004)

1978 was a turning point in the history of Nicaragua. The tense political situation in the Central American country unravelled into a civil war which meant the end for the Somoza dictatorship. Susan Meiselas reported on the conflict, resulting in the legendary photo book Nicaragua: June 1978 to July 1979. Since then she has returned a number of times. In 1991 she went back, together with her partner Richard P. Rogers and filmmaker Alfred Guzzetti, in order to interview people photographed at that time. For the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the revolution she showed 19 of these photographs realised as billboards in public space. Together with Guzzetti they recorded the reactions on video. Thus REFRAMING HISTORY is a history written at three moments. It invites those involved to reflect, and builds bridges between generations. History is no closed book, Meiselas argues, but demands remembering and revision.

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