Since 1997 the photographers Jan Kees Helms and Nørb Mommersteeg have worked together under the name Deeez. For the series NUNCA MAS (Never again) the pair photographed Argentine women with a photograph of their disappeared father in their hands. These images alternate with photographs of the sea: during the Videla regime (1976-1981) between 7000 and 9000 people met their death by being dumped into the sea. The series was made after Dutch Crown Prince Willem Alexander and Princess Maxima (daughter of Jorge Zorreguieta, the agriculture minister in the Videla government) declared that her father had known of only three missing persons. CANTO A UNA NENA NADADORA (Song for a swimming girl) is a series of a young girl playing in the sea. One photo includes a letter from her disappeared father. In it he encourages the girl to go on with her swimming lessons and writes that he will play with her in the sea when he is released.