Kasco photographed the mentally ill in Abidjan. He first visited them without his camera and tried to learn to understand their way of living and manner of thinking.

In Africa people often think that these people are possessed by a demon or a deity, and they are even driven out of some villages. They then travel to the city, where they are abandoned to their fate. Kasco photographed them in the gutter, sleeping on the street, screaming and walking around naked. Some knew that they were being photographed and screamed at the photographer, or looked absently into the camera. Others were lost in their own world and appear to be conscious of nothing. The photographs are confrontational; it is as if one has stepped into the world of these people. Kasco is interested in the solidarity found in everyday life in Africa, and simply asks if one can speak of such solidarity when there are people wandering the street who, in other parts of the world, would receive care.