History teaches us that when capitalism is threatened by economic crises, large-scale colonization and expropriation processes are set in motion: today, major multinationals are launching a new cycle of nature appropriation on an astonishing historical and geographical scale.

In 2016, fearing a new financial crisis, Luxembourg revealed their plans for the exploitation of mining resources coming from asteroids and objects near the Earth (NEOs). Supported by the most advanced technology companies and powerful investment banks around the world, the SpaceResources program aims to offer a legal framework for the exploitation of mineral resources in the extra-atmospheric space, today protected by an international treaty of 1967 that prevents its exploitation. Luxembourg wants to become the main research and construction centre for forthcoming space freight planes and the safe harbour where to report and commercialize raw materials extracted in space. The first mission is scheduled for 2020.
Put into the hands of private prospectors, the program is set to become one of the most lucrative businesses of the second half of this century. In the near future, only those countries that can access the space will have control of mineral resources. Based on remains, debris and memories, the NEOs project aims to construct a visual and political hypothesis about the possible repercussions of this new cycle of extractivism.