One of Yours: a visual study of populist aesthetics
The year 2020 in general and the defeat of Donald Trump in particular may have heralded the beginning of the end for populism, arguably the biggest global political challenge in years. It is increasingly being researched in academia and populism plays an important role in well-known series and films such as ‘House of Cards’ and ‘Brexit: The Uncivil War of The Politician’. For this reason, Daniel Mayrit believes that the void around this theme in the visual arts is all the more striking.

In the multidisciplinary project ‘One of Yours: a visual study of populist aesthetics’, Mayrit uses the same techniques that populism employs in rhetoric and visual culture, but in a sharpened and ironic way, to expose its artificiality. The aim is not only to mock the visual means and clichés of populism, but also to give the viewer the tools to recognise manipulation.
made possible by Sala Kursala, Universidad de Cádiz and LENS Escuela de Artes Visuales