Change In Y, Change In X
What is it like to live with a scar that originated from before you were born? For the installation ‘Change In Y, Change In X’, Flora Reznik used photogrammetry techniques to construct a fictitious landscape from casts of her brother’s scars – who had to undergo numerous operations because of a growth disorder on his leg. Using analogue and digital manipulations as well as sculpture, Reznik transformed the wrinkled structure of this wound into a mountainous relief, a mysterious blue mountain range.

This resulted in an installation with photographs reminiscent of Google Earth satellite images and a 3D animation of a topographic map. Centimetres seem to have turned into kilometres. By experimenting with various techniques, Reznik inhabits and approaches the borders of this fictitious territory in ever new ways.
courtesy of: Acéfalia Galería | made possible with the help of: Stroom Den Haag