Bad Girls Club (2012-ongoing) | Making love to G. (2017-ongoing)
In her work, Eleonora Calvelli draws the connection between intimacy, sex, violence and voyeurism in times of reality TV, which has become the favourite arena for ‘advertainment’, a marketing strategy that mixes advertising storylines with entertainment. As such, this kind of television is a perfect vantage point for seeing how the market can colonise mass communication.

The project consists of two series: ‘Making love to G.”, black-and-white photographs of a television screen during playback of the British series ‘Geordie Shore’, each episode of which consists of arguments, drunkenness, relationships, sex, jealousy and lies. The work focuses solely on the moments when the actors of the cast are having sex. Part two consists of colour photographs of girls wrestling and hitting each other, taken from YouTube videos of the TV show ‘Bad Girls Club’. With her series, Eleonora Calvelli questions our relationship with the media: how do we watch and how much attention do we pay to the things we see?