Unhinged (2021)
Noorderlicht BLOOM
Last year, we started the Noorderlicht Young-project, aiming to connect to a group of passionate and creative young people, engaged in lens-based media. Noorderlicht asked one of the participants of 2020, Alex Murphy, to bring the project to the next level. As a curator, he gathered an international and eclectic group of artists and designers for the 2021 edition, who call themselves Noorderlicht BLOOM. During the Noorderlicht Festival they present the project 'Unhinged' at various locations in the centre of Groningen.

In the exhibition, the group members reflect on how their perception of reality has changed since the start of the pandemic. Physical doors have been closed for them, but on the flip side, mental doors have been opened as a result. Using this framework, Noorderlicht BLOOM presents ‘Unhinged’, a multimedia exhibition consisting of 11 Doorways. Behind each of these eleven doors, the public can indulge in different perceptions of reality. (Click the picture for a pdf with the map.)