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The spider in the web

7 Jun 2021

If you were to ask me where my passions lie, then art, film and photography would be high on the list. So, I’m like a fish in water, as an artist/filmmaker, but also as a part-time coordinator of an organisation that presents a rich selection of photographers and artists from the international scene. With lots of scope for freedom, I have already put on some great exhibitions in our Studio.

What I personally really enjoy about my work are the contacts within the photography world, with the artists and – during the festivals – with guest curators. New perspectives and ideas keep our (small) organisation on its toes and bring a different dynamic to the way we look and communicate. The upcoming festival theme ‘The Makeable Mind’ and the accompanying internet meme ‘I’m not crazy, my reality is just different than yours’ are grist to my mill and I love being surprised and inspired.

My job at Noorderlicht is to keep an overview, rather like a spider in the web, to listen and see what is required. At this moment, during our festival preparations, there are many threads that need to be connected in a very short space of time. With four different guest curators, more than seventy artists from various countries and a festival that takes place at several locations in Friesland and Groningen, and even an ‘annex’ in The Hague this time, the balance between planning on the one hand and flexibility on the other sometimes produces difficult dilemmas. But here too, taking the right initiatives, clear communication and a good dose of imagination go a long way.

The fringe programming, with various performances, podcasts, the youth project NL Bloom and an outdoor exhibition featuring the work of 145 international students, is in full development and this year we also have a number of film screenings with introductions on the silver screen. We’ll keep you posted and hopefully I’ll see you there!

Regina Broersma
coordinator Noorderlicht

The Noorderlicht Internationaal Photo Festival ‘The Makeable Mind’ takes place from August 7th 2031 at various locations in Groningen and Friesland. More info here