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27 Aug 2021

I grew up in Drenthe, lived in Groningen and reside in Leeuwarden for a few years now. I study at the Academy of Pop Culture and am mainly involved in making images. Observing is the common thread in my existence. Creating feels like a special journey of discovery for me, partly because of the different themes with which I work. Think of the mystical, of disconnection, but also of the path of connection and unfathomable wonders, with man and nature as protagonists.

Since February I have been coordinating and curating the Open Student Call of the Noorderlicht International Photo Festival as an intern. The theme of the call is in line with that of the 28th edition of the festival, ‘The Makeable Mind’, which explores the relationship between the rapidly changing visual culture and our perception of reality. The Internet has become a crucial source of information, an endless stream of verified or unverified data and messengers, whether reliable or not, with a major impact on our world view. How do all technical developments in the visual field affect our thinking?

With the Open Student Call, Noorderlicht offers a platform to young makers, who are given the opportunity to show their vision on a theme in one image. The question we put to the students this year: what feels like ‘reality’ to them. From the joint entries – no fewer than 145 from 41 countries – an exhibition has been put together at Sugar Terrain Terra, which shows an intriguing picture of an upcoming generation. My generation.

Annerie Huls
coordinator & curator Open Student Call 2021

>>> Read more about the Open Student Call