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Charles Belfor new secretary Noorderlicht

10 Mar 2023
As of March 1, Noorderlicht has two new board members. We are super happy with this new development and would like to introduce them. We want to start with our new secretary, Charles Belfor.
‘My name is Charles Belfor. As of March 1st, I joined the board of Noorderlicht. I am going to take on
the role of board secretary. In my daily life, I mostly work as a Process Director Civic Integration at
Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO).

I am also active in the DUO work-group concerning Diversity & Inclusion and the Supervisory Boards of
both De Rijdende Popschool and Noordstaat. Additionally, I serve as a discussion leader for the Dutch
Autism Association. Fortunately, I also have an artistic side to myself. Over the years, I have contributed,
as a cellist, to musical projects in which improvisation predominates. Beyond that, I also have composed
some musical pieces for strings, symphony orchestra and a mishmash of electronic instruments.

I have always admired creators of cultural expressions: ranging from music to film and photography.
Talent development in those fields is something I can only applaud; it is the reason for why I like to
associate myself with organizations which concern themselves with that. Of course, the question remains
why I chose Noorderlicht in particular. The photographers of Noorderlicht make social problems visible
and open for discussion. That appeals to me. Whether it is the earthquake problem in Groningen, poverty
in the province or the war in Ukraine: these images appeal to my or everyone else’s imagination. They
also move people, make them think and can serve as a call to action. Especially now that there is a chance
to push politicians towards helping Groningers stuck in the earthquake situation. I hope that Noorderlicht
– with me in a supporting role – can make a small contribution towards this.’