No! No! No! (2017)
The main heroes of the film are the young people from Kharkiv, a city located in northeastern Ukraine. Reaching their early twenties coincided with the breakout of the war in the neighbouring region of Donbass. A queer activist and poet, a fashion model, a group of street artists, a creator of a computer game – all of them are artists or working in the creative industries, typical for a peaceful life of a big city. However, the proximity to the war affects each of the characters and their activities.

Heroes react and reflect political events through their specific relationships with the urban space and the reality of social media.
Documentary stories from a peaceful city alternate with amateur videos, where witnesses and victims of the war demonstrate its proximity to their own homes. Although the narration of the film juxtaposes two different modes of reality, its perception changed after the Russian invasion in 2022, when the war enlarged to new territories including the city of Kharkiv.