The Great Midsummer Slochter Vrijstaat Festival
What if, after the discovery of the gas bubble in the 1960s, Slochteren had separated from the Netherlands? Our land, our gas, our money. Thought about it, did it. Author Auke Hulst stepped into the shoes of travel journalist Jutta Koolhof and with In de Slochter Vrijstaat wrote a captivating story about a free-spirited part of the Netherlands. The Grote Midzomer Slochter Vrijstaatfestival continues to build on that inspiring idea. What if we break out of existing frameworks and reinvent how we want to live?

On June 22, we will celebrate the Slochter Vrijstaat! Come visit the exhibition about the history of the Slochter Vrijstaat. The old factory De Woudbloem will be transformed into a fantastic festival location.
For only 10 euros you can purchase a basic ticket for this great festival. With the basic ticket, you can visit the Slochter Vrijstaat exhibition of Noorderlicht during the day and there will be a lecture by ‘Vrijstaat Minister of Economic Affairs’ Ineke Noordhoff. In the evening you can use your ticket to the big Slochter Vrijstaat interview by Jutta Koolhof (Hanneke Kappen) and Auke Hulst, a solo performance by free-spirited Groningen singer Erwin de Vries, and finally a smashing final performance by the guys from Never Been to Berlin, for whom nothing is too crazy.
Not enough of the Slochter Vrijstaat yet?
With extra tickets, you can make your Slochter Vrijstaat experience even more complete. Board the old bus for an unforgettable bus tour with very special tour guides or a walk to the Inn de Stille Knip with nature guide Wilco van der Laan. And for those who are ready for a little rest at the end of the evening, you can stargaze with Nathan Brinkman to talk about the midsummer night sky in the darkness of the Vrijstaat.
Buy your tickets via the link.
Don’t wait too long to book, the Woudbloem is big, but for the Slochter Vrijstaat Festival, spots are limited. This certainly applies to the bus tour and the nature walk!
– Readshop, Schildwolde
– De Pompel community center, Overschild
– De Wilde Slager, Nieuwe Kerkhof 10, Groningen
The Slochter Vrijstaat Midsummer Festival is a collaboration between Noorderlicht, Stichting Hoop voor Hooghammen, and Erik Wong. The festival is part of the multi-year program Renewed Energy, a collaboration between Noorderlicht and BPD Culture Fund. We are also grateful for the help of the Gemeente Midden-Groningen in realizing this wonderful festival.