On encountering ‘collapsology’ (the study of the risks of collapse of our industrial civilization), Brieuc Weulersse began to understand how global warming, ecological emergencies, rising sea levels and the collapse of biodiversity have one common denominator: the depletion of our planet’s resources. What was once a vague aspect of his daily life, which manifested itself in sorting rubbish or his choice of political party, had now gained another dimension encompassing growth and decline, food production, the limits of ecosystems, ecological debt, and so on.

The scientific explanations and possible scenarios for our future, as presented in the reference work on collapsology, ‘How Everything Can Collapse’ by Pablo Servigne and Raphaël Stevens, came as a shock to Weulersse. Spurred by the ecological emergency and his questions about the future of humanity, he turned to science and those seeking solutions.For the production of ‘Researth’, he collaborated with researchers in experimental research facilities and universities, and photographed the experiments they conduct.