Pride Photo X Noorderlicht: Gender, Pride and Prejudice. A Love Letter to Queer Resilience
Noorderlicht and Pride Photo are proud to present a unique exhibition celebrating the resilience and diversity of the LGBTQIA+ community. Titled "Gender, Pride and Prejudice - A Love Letter to Queer Resilience", this exhibition promises to be an extraordinary experience, showcasing junior talents and professionals' work.

Junior talent and professionals
Gender, Pride and Prejudice – A Love Letter to Queer Resilience can be visited at Noorderlicht Studio from 21 to 30 June 2024. The exhibition combines the work of junior talent and professionals. Fifteen Noorderpoort students from the Art & Multimedia department took part in an education programme at Noorderlicht. The mbo students have been working on AI and gender identity for the past few weeks and are displaying the results of this visual research in prints and installations in the gallery. Two of those students have been working on the design of Noorderlicht’s entrance.
Pride Photo Award professionals are featured in the exhibition on life-size video portraits where they talk about how they work and what pride and queerness means to them. This offers a wonderful insight into the colourful, diverse and multifaceted international LGBTQIA+ community.
About Noorderlicht
Noorderlicht is an international platform for lens-based media, which in addition to the biennial Noorderlicht Biennial and its own publishing house, has been organising exhibitions, and talent development programmes since 1990. Based in Groningen, Noorderlicht manifests itself in the coming two years from the triangle art – society – technology. With, among others, the exhibition Pixel Perceptions (autumn 2024) and the biennial HU/MAN MACHINE (summer and autumn 2025) in the three Northern provinces, Noorderlicht asks the question: ‘Are we still the masters of our imagination?’
Roosje Klap, director Noorderlicht: “At Noorderlicht, we see increasing contradictions playing an increasingly prominent role in the social debate, where we know that groups like the LGBTQIA+ are losing out under the influence of immense technological changes. We are proud to partner with the talents of Noorderpoort and the professional organisation Pride Photo Award, to not only help bring change but also to be shaped by it, while contributing to social and cultural issues of our communities. After all, photography is the eyewitness of our current times.”
Pride Photo Foundation
Founded in 2010, Pride Photo is a Dutch organisation that organises an annual outdoor photo exhibition highlighting the diversity and wealth of inspiring stories from the LGBTQIA+ community. With an all-new team, a new programme and new artistic leadership, Pride Photo is taking a new direction in 2024. Besides a new exhibition design, Pride Photo will connect with existing art institutions throughout the Netherlands, launch an audio tour (with presenter and programme maker Anne Fleur Schipper) and introduce an education programme.
Zindzi Zwietering, director Pride Photo: “I am incredibly excited to continue building this unique organisation, one of the world’s only photographic archives full of LGBTQIA+ stories. The power of stories is paramount to me: stories can be used to inspire, to humanise, to give meaning and to create safe spaces. I hope to grow Pride Photo into an international platform for and by the queer community.”