Performing Adulthood
Robin Alysha Clemens
What does growing up mean for Generation Z, and how do young people portray themselves? In a society where visual representations are more important than ever, this project poses the question: what do we show and what would we rather keep hidden? How do others see us and how much control do we actually have over it?

Performing Adulthood is a photography and video project by Robin Alysha Clemens about young people between the ages of 16 and 24. This project provides a glimpse into the world of this generation and it prompts us to think about the self-image of young people, for whom the presence of cameras has become ubiquitous.
Performing Adulthood shows the abrasive, inquisitive and sometimes uncomfortable moments that shape our perception of adulthood, representation and identity. It is about looking and being seen, about hiding and revealing. About presenting yourself, and how this sometimes fails.
This project arose from a collaboration with the University of Groningen and Noorderlicht. In the series ‘Imagining Science’, each year a photographer is commissioned to depict a field of scientific research in relation to a theme. Robin Alysha Clemens’ artistic practice was supported by the Mondriaan Fund in 2021, while she was working on this project.