POST NATURAL HISTORY (2013) / THE MAN MACHINE (2009-2010) / SPACE PROJECT (2007-present)
By mixing history and premonition, memory and science fiction with synthetic biology and cybernetics, POST NATURAL HISTORY shows a collection of ‘upcoming species’, an archaeology of the future. Presented as cabinets of curiosities, with their frightening yet familiar beauty, this bestiary raises questions about our relationship with nature and technology.
THE MAN MACHINE speculates on the interaction between humans and artificial beings, such as robots, in everyday life. The staged scenes suggest both empathy with the robot as well as feeling of abhorrence, an idea inspired by the theory of the uncanny valley: the more humanoids start looking like us, the more monstrous their imperfections become to us.
With his SPACE PROJECT, Fournier mixed historical and documentary views of the great adventure in outer space with staged photographs, which are fed by memories of films from his youth. The most imaginative space centres thus become film sets where Jules Verne and Stanley Kubrick could run into each other.