Noorderlicht presents SIPF

The Singapore International Photography Festi- val (SIPF) is a biennial gathering of minds from around the world with the common pursuit of advancing the art and appreciation of contem- porary photography. Noorderlicht and SIPF feel a sense of kinship in their approaches, focus and aims. Both work with an ‘open call’ to reach photographers all over the world, and direct their efforts principally toward narrative photography. At the same time, however, each of the two institutions literally works in a totally different world and context. SIPF operates in a region where photography still has a long way to go in winning acceptance. The SIPF is passionate about its mission of visually educating the people in its region and acquainting them with contemporary photography. Of course they show a lot of work by Asian photographers, but more and more they are also showing work by photographers from outside the region.
The SIPF was begun with Noorderlicht as its model. For 2014 Noorderlicht and SIPF are joining hands. Together they will be issuing a call for photographers worldwide to submit work on an theme still to be determined. The exhibition which will be assembled from it will be presented simultaneously at the 4th edition of SIPF in Singapore and the 21st edition of the Noorderlicht Photofestival in Friesland.
As an introduction to this collaboration in 2014, at its own 2013 festival Noorderlicht is presenting a selection from SIPF 2012.