LIFE IN BLUE (Czech Republic, 2006-2009)

All across the world people are moving from rural areas to cities – but many city-dwellers continue to yearn for the countryside. In the south of the Czech Republic, you can find some of them on the banks of a large reservoir. They have built extravagantly designed second homes there, and plunge into the magic of the region. In LIFE IN BLUE Evzen Sobek asks how this vacation community is structured and functions – but also, what motivates people to become so absorbed in a strange sort of void for a longer or shorter time. Is it the meditative quality of the countryside? The ease with which they can make informal contacts, far from their hectic urban existence? Or is it an urge to be part of a compact community, something that is impossible in the city? Sobek’s almost unearthly images give no answers, but they leave the questions smouldering in your mind for a long time.