Every year in Bangladesh several hundred girls and woman are victims of an attack with caustic substances. Generally the motive is the rejection of a marriage or sexual proposal, or a fight within the family. The perpetrators, almost always men, regularly go free. The seriously maimed victims, on the other hand, are cast out by their families and forced to live by begging. The Victims of Acid Attacks Foundation in Dhaka helps and treats these women. In Bangladesh cheap bleaching agents are available on every street corner. In Pakistan and India too women are regularly doused with caustic substances. – Konolla was attacked with acid by her husband after she refused to give him permission to take another woman. She is being treated at the hospital run by the Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF) in Dhaka, which offers medical care and counseling to victims of acid attacks. She is being treated at the hospital run by the Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF) in Dhaka, which offers medical care and counseling to victims of acid attacks.