UNTITLED (1996-2006)

Tri Huu Luu was born in Saigon in 1972. At the age of six his mother sent him to a Buddhist monastery. When she died ten years later, Luu was old enough to fight in the war between Vietnam and Cambodia. To avoid military conscription, he fled to the United States. There he studied photography. Unable to speak adequate English, in this way he could communicate in pictures. To forget his past, he threw himself into American culture. Seven years later he returned to Vietnam. He found great satisfaction in the simple monastic life in which he had once participated. Once again, he communicated through his camera. His pictures of temples, monks and nature in the South of Asia (Vietnam/Laos/Sri Lanka/Tibet/Myanmar, 1996-2006) represent the spirituality that he felt as soon as he again set foot on Vietnamese soil.