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TRUE COLOURS (2003-2004)

The work of Kai Bornhöft is concerned with the escalating changes in Western society. It is inspired by the popular idea that it is indeed beneficial to surrender every aspect of life to the principles of: efficiency, technology and rationalism. Through his photographs he shows the impact this process has on the conditions of life, guided by questions concerning man’s estrangement from nature, the progressive mechanization in both our work and daily life, as well as the individualization of human beings and its subsequent consequences. The pictures from the series True Colours (2003-2004) were taken at various locations of the aquaculture industry in Europe in 2003-2004. The industry offers an allegory, as already today the production process takes place in a circular rhythm of breeding, growing and harvesting fish, under full scientific control. Furthermore this industry will gain an increasingly important role in the future due to the exhaustion of stocks of wild fish.

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