Maya Goded (Mexico, b. 1970) was pregnant when she began the series SEXO SERVIDORAS (Sexual servants). She was searching for a manner in which to give shape to her doubts and anxieties, arising from this radical physical and emotional change. She wanted to better understand what secrets lay within the female body. This series of portraits of prostitutes in the La Merced neighbourhood of Mexico City is more than a documentary reportage. Goded herself says of the project, ‘When you talk about prostitution, you are talking about women and inequality, about the body, sex and sin, about motherhood, youth and aging, about religion, love and rejection.’ While Goded sought an answer to her own questions in Sexo Servidoras, she entered deeply into the lives and world of the prostitutes, and at the same time holds up a mirror before us. Goded received a grant from the W. Eugene Smith Fund to carry on this project.