GKf - Passion in the Polder

When one thinks of The Netherlands, ‘passion’ is not the first word that comes to mind. The stereotypical image is rather that of level-headedness, putting things in perspective and negotiated settlements. On the other hand, when it comes to Central and South America, the stereotypical image calls up such associations as swinging, colourful, sultry and exotic.
Just as ‘Mundos Creados’ intends to break through the cliches about photography from Central and South America, the members of the GKf (Federation of applied photographic arts) were asked to do the same for The Netherlands. What forms does passion in the polders take? Is there anything swinging, sultry and colourful in Dutch culture too? Or do we have to look for passion somewhere else entirely? Thirty-five GKf photographers offer their view on these questions, concisely but powerfully.
The participants are: Arthur Blonk, Maarten Brinkgreve, Gon Buurman, Ger Dekkers, Hanneke Fransen, Reinier Gerritsen, Wilma van de Hel, Jan Hengst, Wil van Iersel, Cor jaring, Wijndel Jongens, Mariëtte Carstens, Mark Kohn, Ellen Kok, Margit Lammers, Dana Marchall, Deen van Meer, Jocelyne Moreau, Michel Pellanders, Rob Philip, Guus Rijven, Laura Samsom Rous, Bernice Siewe, Han Singels, Andrea Stultiëns, Annemarie Trovato, Rosa Verhoeve, Dini Wikkerink en Camilla van Zuylen.