Noorderlicht Photofestival 1997: The Garden of Eden

Noorderlicht 1997 took place from September 13 to October 12, 1997. The program featured a main exhibition plus a second exhibition at the ‘Der Aa-Kerk’ in the centre of the city of Groningen, the Netherlands, some twenty-five exhibitions in galleries and museums, some thirty ‘stage’ exhibitions in varied locations and finally an extensive activity program. This site has information on the full program of Noorderlicht 1997.
Noorderlicht 1997 marked, being the fifth edition, the first lustrum of the photofestival. She attracted circa 15.000 visitors, of which 10.000 at the main location. The festival was accompanied by several publications, among which a festival newspaper, a huge photobook and a CD-ROM.
The organisation thanks all sponsors and grants that made Noorderlicht 1997 possible.