American Women of the Far Right
‘American Women on the Far Right’ takes a deep dive into the world of female white supremacists and nationalist organizers in America. When Americans talk about domestic racism and terrorism, they discuss angry white men and lone wolfs. But they have a national blind spot: the role of women in spreading hate. These women operate as agents and symbols, justifying violence and quietly pulling everyone further towards radicalism.

American photographer Glenna Gordon met and photographed over two dozen women, from midtown Manhattan to rural Montana, asking them how they got involved, why they participate, and what they do. With her portraits, landscapes and other images, Gordon attempts to deflect from the public-facing propaganda and show the true nature of these groups, their links to each other, and to American history.
Though each woman Gordon profiled has a different formal affiliation and different reasons for participating, they share a fundamentally violent ideology beneath their outward veneers. Behind the scenes of large-scale public demonstrations, it is the women who get the bulk of the work done, who support the men, who organise the memberships, who plan the picnics before the ‘cross lightings’ and who drive these movements forward.