Agendas and Containers
Peace can be established in many ways. The end of a bloody war may once have signified peace, but the well-defined battlefields and treaties suggested by history seem to provide flawed, even illusory sets of criteria for understanding the shape of contemporary conflicts. Despite our updated and sanitized image of modern warfare, brutality has not vanished; it has in fact flourished through new and elaborate methodologies, in step with ever more sophisticated approaches to image management. New paradigms of warfare would even seem to be at work in a wider variety of institutional sectors.

‘Agendas and Containers’ is a collage of fragments from official international institutions, real ones as well as fictional places, stemming from film and entertainment culture. The combination of real life and fiction
reflects on the strong intertwinement of economy, politics and entertainment culture in our daily experience. Depending on the angle the viewer takes, the image appears complete, or falls apart into fragments. Referencing both blockbuster movie sets and spaces of political negotiation, the work discloses the illusionist character of our notions of sustainability and peace.