Fight for Forest (2018-ongoing)
Since 2012 the Hambach Forest in Germany is occupied by climate activists. Next to the ancient forest is a large open-pit brown coal mine, run by the German energy company RWE, that is clearing the trees and other vegetation. By living in treehouses, up to an altitude of 28 meters, the occupants try to protect the forest. They are regularly intimidated by RWE personnel, get evicted and see their treehouses being destroyed, but they keep coming back. At the moment, the mining activities are being on hold due to the occupation and pending a court decision.

By occupying the Hambach Forest, this group of people fights for a change of climate-policy by their government. In the process, they try to live an alternative life as a community, by implementing basic democratic structures among themselves, eating vegan food and reducing waste and consumerism.
Brown coal mining is one of the major causes for climate change. The political systems in Europe work too slow to efficiently achieve an energy transition. Civil disobedience seems to be the only remaining way to put pressure on governments and corporations. New environmental activist groups, like ‘Fridays for Future’, are evolving and getting stronger. In his ongoing project ‘Fight for Forest’, German photographer David Klammer portrays the lives of the occupants of the Hambach Forest.