La Pensée Sauvage
This is the third part of a series on how we look at our world. Photographer Gaetan Boisson often goes out at night to take pictures of trees. Boisson started his project – inspired by the classic book 'The Domestication of the Savage Mind' by Jack Goody from 1977 – out of a desire to make images that are as far removed from reality as possible, without manipulating them digitally.

When technology made it possible, Boisson started using machine learning to generate artificial images from the photographs that he was taking so meticulously. He began to work like a machine himself, sometimes shooting 800 images per session and entering everything into the StyleGAN system. Slowly the process became automatic and Boisson gave up his control and freedom of choice to the machine, and with it his savage mind. What have we gained by taming our savage mind, the artist wonders.
thanks to: Robert Zhao, Derrick Schultz, Xintao Wang, Charles Ehret, Vanja Dabic, Enrico Fabian, Charlie Bois-son, Zachary Chan, Dewi Nurjuwita, Xin Wei Thow, Rosemainy Buang and Singa Nglaras