In the past year, life has been dominated by flatness more than ever. Whether through the screens we use for daily meetings or the newspapers we leaf through in search of news; flatness is no longer a choice but the standard in our experience, out of an inability to do things differently. And yet, the willingness to stand side by side is as great as ever. Millions of people have recently stood shoulder to shoulder against police brutality, violations of women’s rights, corruption and environmental disasters.

perception of events in the real world. He has scoured recent history for examples that illustrate this gap between an event and its two-dimensional representation. For the exhibition in NP3, Kuijpers focuses on the protests in Poland that arose after an almost total ban on abortion was implemented. These massive demonstrations, which he attended as a participant and spectator last year, are the subject of his work during ‘The Makeable Mind’.
With the support of: the Mondriaan Fund and the Constant van Renessefonds | courtesy of: The Ravestijn Gallery.