Marvin Vince Kerstholt - Nothing is Real

It feels like something inside me speaks to me… a feeling of love that says I have to take a picture of this… and I do, because a feeling of love is a good feeling.
I am Marvin Vince Kerstholt, 17 years old. Taking pictures is part of my life.
At fourteen I bought a camera with my savings. I had seen how my father could make an image of the truth by just pressing a button. I wanted that too.
I tried all sorts of things. I experimented with movement, with focus, with contrast and with strange compositions. This way all kinds of odd images entered me.
I just see the world in a different way. I make my own images from everyday objects and situations around me. Psychedelic photos that influence my feelings and my mind.
Many people like perfection. While there’s also a lot of people with limitations. I would like it if not everything and everybody had to be perfect.
Marvin Vince Kerstholt, May 2008