
Stefan Bremer was born in 1953. He works as a freelance photographer and is a professor at the University for Industrial Arts at Helsinki. He mainly works with theater, dance and music organisations and he has been the official photographer of the chamber music festival at Kuthmo since 1982. He organised several photo ateliers in Finland and Europe. The photographer Bremer is especially interested in man. At the start of his career he photographed young people and musicians, later he also worked with strangers in the streets. In the early nineties Bremer started to use an extreme lighting technique in his photos. This technique removes much of the personality of the models and embodies the photographs with a primitive and timeless, often even brutal character. For the series Man-Woman Bremer photographed naked bodies; everything that could refer to the culture of the models is removed.
This exhibition takes place within the art festival ‘The Finnish Touch’.