Back on the Block - Andy & Tata
Andy eats cereal on the first day of school. While other kids his age are in class, his mother lies in bed, ill from a mixture of crack cocaine and methadone that she is getting to kick her heroine use. She needs to get up and get to the methadone clinic or she won’t be allowed to get her dose for the day.

Andy was the tousle-headed street kid who could jump over five people with his bike, turn an abandoned building into a shelter for a dozen wild dogs, and stand toe-to-toe with any of the savvy young drug hustlers that worked the doorway of the corner store with his mother. Now, at 23, Andy him self is the father of a three year old. Andys’ daughter was born while his own mother was in prison and after the five- year anniversary of his father’s death. Andy’s childhood, fraught with intervention from the child welfare agencies and the criminal justice system has been the foundation for his wish to “do better for his own daughter.”