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Beyond Right Angles

Exhibition, Studio
3 Sep - 6 Oct 2004

German born artist Benno Schlicht is not a man of broad gestures. His images are relatively small and made in 'old fashioned' black and white. Off-hand and every now and so often just slightly out of focus, his images look as if culled from a forgotten family album.

3 Sep - 6 Oct 2004
Noorderlicht Fotogalerie (locatie USVA), Munnekeholm 10, Groningen

A woman on New Year’s Eve, a toddler, a scene on a beach, a house by the side of the road – again and again in a subcutaneous way his pictures tell a story of remembrance and loss. The impression of a photographic diary is intensified by Schlichts small interventions, like drawn lines and handwritten words.

Beyond Right Angles is an exhibition with personal character, also presenting drawings and montage.

On display