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Barry Kornbluh

Exhibition, Studio
11 Apr - 14 May 2003

Barry Kornbluh (United States, 1952) studied photography with among others Lisette Model. In the early eighties he started to take on assignments, in which the world of jazz played a central role. Later assignments showed a shift towards portraiture, and he photographed people like Jerzy Kozinsky and Robert Frank. He now lives in the Netherlands and publishes in a range of Dutch and American magazines.

11 Apr - 14 May 2003
Noorderlicht Fotogalerie (lokatie USVA), Munnekeholm 10, Groningen

During all that time, he also persistently worked on a personal, poetic oeuvre. His family and friends are central to this. In the exhibition he mainly shows this personal work, together with a small selection of commissioned pieces.

On display