Aida, een spiegel in foto's - a visual prologue
Noorderlicht | House of Photography and Opera Spanga enter into a new, interdisciplinary collaboration with this presentation. Noorderlicht has created an independent spatial installation in the meadows of Friesland, which also acts as a visual prologue and epilogue for an operatic performance. Aida, with its timeless story about power and intrigue, coincides with a profound international series of images about love and war in the world of today.

Aida, a mirror in photographs
a visual prologue
Noorderlicht presents two photographers who depict the far-reaching effects of war, taking the imprint of it on their personal lives as a starting point. Kei Ito was born in Japan, as the second generation of a survivor of the atomic bomb. His work examines the significance of the bomb on Hiroshima, which ended the Second World War and whose deterrent effect should have prevented future wars. However, war is unfortunately still the order of the day, as witnessed by the work of the Canadian Guillaume Simoneau, who reports on his love affair with a woman who chose to serve in the US Army after the 9/11 attacks, and was subsequently sent to Iraq.
The exhibition will be open from 17.00 during performancedays. Free entrance.