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Regenerate Society

Exhibition, Festivals
7 Oct - 10 Dec 2023
October 7 - December 10 2023
Tue - Sat 10:00 - 17:00 Sun 12:00 - 17:00
Akerkhof 2, Groningen

At the Akerk, Noorderlicht brings together the work of artists who seek positive change in the world and present alternative perspectives on the reality around us. Whereas the exhibition sometimes takes a foray into REGENERATE OURSELVES and LIFE, here REGENERATE SOCIETY is the focus of the works on display.

REGENERATE SOCIETY refers to the desire to make positive changes and improvements in the way a society functions and to promote quality of life for its citizens. These processes can take place at various levels, including social, economic, environmental, and cultural. Regenerate is about healing and transforming relationships and systems as well as revising and reconstructing a history whereby the past is transformed into a source of strength and inspiration for the future. Regeneration, in the context of our society, is also about social reform and the pursuit of a better and more just society.

Regenerate showcases stories with renewed insights into both the macro and micro worlds around us. Some of the works on display show that regeneration not only means embracing innovation and advanced technologies but sometimes actually requires reaching back and returning to ancestral traditions and knowledge. 

Some works take us into the pursuit of a more inclusive future and society by presenting a reconstructed and alternative history. Other works show stories of reunification and recovery and emphasize the importance of justice in these processes. Still, other works show stories of regeneration in relation to decolonization, where we witness the resurrection of oppressed communities and their search for a renewed identity. 

The artists often subtly demonstrate the transformative power of diversity and inclusiveness in the fabric of our societies. They do not resign themselves to the “as is” of reality but strive to depict alternative ways of living and coexisting. They reflect, sometimes critically and always inquisitively, on our current times through various forms of imagination, inviting us to hope for and shape a better future.


On display