Participating Artists' Press Agency (P.A.P.A.)

About Participating Artists' Press Agency (P.A.P.A.)
Participating Artists’ Press Agency (P.A.P.A.) is an international network of artists/photographers created and led by Lino Hellings. This international group of photographers share the same projects, whilst exploring his/her own country separate from one another. The projects can be self-initiated or commissioned by third parties.
P.A.P.A. operates with a solid ‘question and research’ mentality. Which is done on the spot by the local P.A.P.A. correspondents (whom all enjoy an acclaimed international status).
P.A.P.A. works on the bases of ‘reading the street’. Correspondents go on photowalks and capture ‘that what catches the eye’. Subsequently ‘they read the pictures out loud’ by adding texts and keywords to the images. Regularly posting them to P.A.P.A.’s shared photoblog:
P.A.P.A. is the collaborative work of:
- Detroit/USA: Marcin Szczepanski
- Dhaka/Bangladesh: Shahidul Alam
- Lagos/Nigeria: Toye Gbade, Tuoyo Omagba, Israel Ophori, Folarin Shasanya, Andrew Esiebo, Adolphus Opara, Eremina Jumbo
- Sao Paulo/Brazil: Zé Barretta, Luciana Camargo, Ines Correa, Felipe Denuzzo, Marcelo Ferrelli, Giovana Pasquini , Sylvia Sanchez
- Netherlands: Erika Blikman, Maurice Bogaert, Robin van ‘t Haar, Lino Hellings, Rob van Maanen, Nies Medema, Martijn Nieuwenhuis.
- Bishkek/Kyrgystan: eleven students of ArtEast.