Martina Raponi
Martina Raponi is an Italian writer and artist based in Amsterdam, NL. She holds a bachelor in Humanities from the University of Padova (2007-2011, Italy), a Master in Art Mediation from the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna (2011-2014, Italy), a Master in Fine Arts from the Sandberg Instituut of Amsterdam (2014-2016, Netherlands), and she currently is a PhD candidate at ASCA, University of Amsterdam.

About Martina Raponi
'I have been investigating Noise since 2012. My interest in Noise comes from my father's Deafness. When I was a kid, he would lay his head against my back, asking me to speak out loud so he could "learn" my voice through the vibrations of my rib cage.
This vibratory and tactile quality of noise as an aesthetic relational object has been my very first fascination. With this, I entered a world of noise through a world of "silence": my father's. However, deafness is not a "silent" mode of existence, and this is the reason why, when looked at from a systemic, societal, cultural, linguistic, and political perspective, it becomes an epitome of what I recognize as - and value in - "noise".
My father's Deafness, and my own position as a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults, a cross/inter-cultural identity that characterises my world view), helped me develop an inclination for objects of research which are complex, ramified, layered, irreducible to definitions through binary oppositions, and which always require a systemic and contextual analysis.
Noise embodies all of these characteristics which I find also - and often contradictorily - in myself , and to which I am attracted as a writer, researcher, and artist.'