Kirill Golovchenko

About Kirill Golovchenko
Kirill Golovchenko (1974, Odessa, Ukraine) studied photography and design under Barbara Klemm and Kris Scholz at Darmstadt University. The artist has been awarded among others: European Publishers Award for Photography, 2014; European Photo Exhibition Award; Abisag-Tüllmann-Preis, 2013; Dr. Berthold Roland- Fotokunstpreis 2012; and a documentary photography grant from Wüstenrot Foundation, 2007. His photographs have been shown internationally, including in: Deichtorhallen, Haus der Photographie, Hamburg; Les Rencontres d’Arles, Arles; Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland; The Nobel Peace Center, Oslo.