Claudia Andujar

About Claudia Andujar
Claudia Andujar is born Claudine Haas in Neuchâtel on June 12, 1931, Switzerland. She grows up in Northern Transylvania, a region that is now a part of Romania.
In 1956, Andujar travels with her camera in Brazil and Latin America, visiting Bolivia, Peru, Argentina and Chile. She develops an interest in Amerindian peoples and photographs the same year the Karajá, of central Brazil, describing this as her “first self-assigned project.”
From 1971 to 1977, Claudia Andujar develops an extensive photographic project on the Yanomami people, distancing herself from documentary style photography to experiment with a new photographic techniques. During the same period, she launches a drawing project with the Yanomami to gain a deeper understanding of their culture, inviting them to represent their own conceptions of nature and the cosmos.