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Before it’s gone

Oases form a special microclimate based on the right balance of three elements: the abundance of water, the quality of the soil and the presence of date palms. Located in arid and semi-arid areas, they are considered a natural bulwark against desertification and an important refuge that helps maintain biodiversity.

’Before it’s gone’ is an ongoing long-term project documenting life in oases. The focus is on the complex issues of oasis-decline in Morocco and its impact on residents. In recent years, Kilito has visited many oases and made contact with its residents. He became aware of the richness of the environment but also of the looming reality of climate change, bringing with it drought, fire and water decline on top of the already existing risk of overexploitation.

These issues are barely known and Kilito wants to make the general public and political decision-makers aware of them. Residents, farmers, scientists and civic associations are already fighting to preserve these green islands. Their efforts are a message of hope.

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