Open Competitive Examinations | Workers Buyouts
In his extensive project ‘Workforce’, Michele Borzoni portrays Italy’s current labour landscape in the framework of the recent global economic recession. It is articulated in multiple chapters, often isolated, sometimes intertwined. Borzoni presents Italy as a case study that illustrates the immediate effects of the economic crisis on the labour system, as well as the impact of more long-term processes, such as technological revolution, globalization and migration. These effects are seen in an increasing job insecurity, the deterioration of the old manufacturing sector, the rise of logistics services, automation, and migratory flows from developing countries. Two series of the nine-chapter project are exhibited at TAXED TO THE MAX.

Open Competitive Examinations (2014-2017)
Entry into the civil service in Italy is based on open competitive examinations, a particularly cumbersome bureaucratic procedure. Aspiring policemen, nurses or teachers are specially recruited for a life-long career and contracts in the public sector benefit from the highest protection available on the job market. With the current unemployment rate at about 10,7%, a permanent job in the civil service still represents a dream for many.
Workers Buyouts (2014-2017)
Workers buyout is the take-over of a company by its employees. Following the 2008 economic crisis, this phenomenon has begun to affect Italian companies, often following liquidation or bankruptcy. As we speak, over fifty companies were saved this way, keeping 1200 jobs and € 178.000.000 on the market.