White Gaze
Latipa (born Michelle Dizon) is an artist, filmmaker, writer and theorist. In’ White Gaze’ she works with an archive of National Geographic magazines to unravel the visual legacies of imperialism. She selected pages from the magazines and subtracted text from each page to produce a counter-narrative to the images highlighted. ‘White Gaze’ exposes a genealogy of the racist gaze and operates at the intersection of text and image to develop a decolonial visuality.
Artist and writer Việt Lê uses Latipa’s images from ‘White Gaze’ as a starting point for a poetic exploration of the legacies of war and imperialism. Lê’s texts place Latipa’s work in a historical context while playing a rhythmic game with language, visually and aurally, to get to the heart of how meaning is produced: both through mention and omission.
Below you can hear some of the poems, recited by Việt Lê himself (click on the image).